Colour Me Crazy
Colour based puzzle platformer

This was an originally an assignment for University, the assignment was to create either a game or art piece but it had to have milestones and we had to stick to them, I chose to create a game as I wanted to learn how to code.
This game would be the start of my programming journey, this is where it all started.
Colour Me Crazy (CMC) is a puzzle-platformer using colours to navigate through various obstacles throughout the game.
The idea is simple, the player was able to walk-though objects of the same colour.
I had 12 weeks for the assignment, I only scheduled 9-weeks of milestone which included the MVP (Colour changing, 10 levels, controller and keyboard support) and by week 9 everything was completed along with sounds and water effects.
I enjoyed this project so much I started developing it further during the summer, starting from scratch as the code previously was horrendous, I spent the summer researching and learning new programming techniques alongside building up the new and improved CMC.
I applied to show CMC off at one of the biggest gaming events in the UK insomnia 52, the event was in August and I used that as a deadline, June to August was plenty of time I thought naively, luckily it was completed with some very last minute changes. Insomnia was amazing for the development of CMC, I got to talk to people one on one about what players thought about the game, I came away that weekend with a notebook full of ideas and suggestions from the public.
This wouldn't be the last time I went to a gaming event, I've been back to insomnia 3 more times, CMC was also shown at EGX in London and I was asked to attend the UK 's first MineCon alongside Mike Bithell's Volume. I've loved every event I've attended, I get to meet likeminded developers and the interaction with people that want to play something you've made is such a rewarding feeling, I would love to do it again.