Connect Three
10 day Programming test
Connect Three was a 10-day programming test. The only requirement was that it had to be a connect-three style game, and I had to create all the assets.
A lot of the inspiration came from Match Attack, a project that I worked on during my Master's degree. I forwent the social aspect of Match Attack and focused on the gameplay.
I enjoyed the development of Connect Three, some interesting challenges occurring, such as taking into consideration of the 'blocked' tiles as I didn't want them to move, but the tiles could drop through them. This would have been easier to implement if I chose a different approach to store the grid values, but hindsight is a beautiful thing.
In the future, I will take into consideration of extra features that could be added on top of the minimum viable product (MVP), for the hand-in blocked title was not a feature. However, I spent an extra day figuring out and implementing a fix for this.
During playtesting (day 8), I noticed that my family could not tell what they were supposed to do and wondered why their health is depleting. I had the idea to add in the attack animations for the player and enemy (all the animations are done through custom animation scripts). This is why you should always playtest with people who don't play games.
Overall I enjoyed making Connect Three. The company genuinely liked the game; they didn't have a lot of criticism; we talked about a couple of issues that occurred, mainly the blocked tiles and how I would fix them.