• Editor Window - Project Organiser

    A Editor window to Build and Organiser your Unity Projects

    We're all guilty of having those prototype projects where all the files were put in the assets folder.
    After organising a few of projects I decided it was worth my time to create an editor tool that would speed up this process, I knew I needed it pretty customisable as I find myself always testing out the best way to organise my projects.


    I decided the best way to have a fully customisable organiser would be to have a preview of the folder structure where the user will build their desired folder layout and assign filter type's that will move assets with specific extensions or with a certain name to the filtered folder.

    In the image above you can see the Directory builder here, you can easily add, remove and filter the folders. When opened it will recreate the current folder structure and display any assets currently in the directories when the folder foldout is toggled.

    I knew from experience that projects can be completely different from one another, so having a hardcoded predefined filters won't work, I decided to create a manager that the user could add to filters with a custom name and within the Filtered Extensions dropdown, they could add the file extensions or add their own name to filter.